Monitor Ocean Species

Marine habitats and biodiversity are declining faster than at any other time in human history

BSAC Shore Surveyor

Join the British Sub Aqua Club in locating the positions of threatened seagrass and Native oysters habitats. The project, beginning in June 2022 will consist of shoreside and underwater surveys. There is an online training course available on the BSAC website for surveyors. Data from paddle boarders who can reach out of the way beaches and hidden habitats will be particularly valuable.

The Big Seaweed Search

The Natural History Museum and Marine Conservation Society invite you to help them to monitor the effects of environmental change on Britain's sea life by exploring the seashore and recording the living seaweeds you find there. Their aim is to use this data to answer questions three pressing environmental issues; rising sea temperatures, the spread of non-native species of seaweeds and ocean acidification.


Seasearch provides a way for divers, and more recently snorkelers to during their underwater exploits into robust scientific data. Since it’s inception in the 1980s Seasearch has gone from strength to strength. Seasearch provides rigorous training and the data collected by it’s volunteers is well respected by scientists. This data has proved pivotal in the support of new Marine Protected Areas around the coast of the UK.