Ability to identify seagrass, oysters and invasive species. elearning training course on the BSAC website.
Conduct surveys independently on any beach you choose.
We are loosing vital ocean habitats before we can even discover them. Finding them is the first step on the road to protection.
This brand new project is one of the largest environmental projects ever organised by BSAC.
Basic seaweed ID for 14 key species. Online training and guides are provided by the Big Seaweed Search.
You can collect data yourself anywhere around the coast of the UK and Northern island. Submit your data via an online form.
Seaweeds are important for people and the ocean. Providing a habitat for fish we catch, being used in food, cosmetics, and medicines, and protecting our coasts from storm damage.
Data submitted by beach goers like you are already building a picture of the changing distrubution of seaweeds.
You need to be an experience scuba diver or snorkeler and have completed one of Seasearch’s training weekends.
You can collect data on any dive. Seasearch also organise dedicated survey dives and trips which you can join.
Data gathered by volunteers has increased how much we know about our coastal habitats and marine species. The more information we have, the better able we are to identify specific sites of conservation concern.
National Biodiversity Network Award for outstanding contributions to wildlife recording and improving our understanding of the natural world in the UK.