The Great Eggcase Hunt will show you how to identify eggcases. All you need to do is keep your eyes peeled on the strandline!
You can undertake a dedicated search or record chance findings the you make while taking a break on the beach.
Research is the first step to conservation. We need to know as much as we can about how a species lives and the threats they face. This enables us to make well informed decisions to help better protect them.
Almost 35,000 eggcase recordings have supported the development of Marine Protected Areas.
Make sure you are aware of the Basking Shark Code of Conduct, available on the project website.
Encountering a Basking shark is a rare experience, the project portal allows you to record sightings you are lucky enough to make in UK waters.
Basking Sharks are long lived, slow growing and produce few young. This makes them extremely vulnerable to human impacts.
Basking sharks were one widely fished for their oil. Thankfully they are know highly protected around the world.